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2. In our race, the Aryan, instinctual telepathic work is still the major expression of this spiritual possibility, but at the same time mental telepathy is becoming increasingly [18] prevalent. This will be more and more so, as time goes on. It is most difficult in this transition period to define, or differentiate, the peculiar areas involved, because the solar plexus is still exceedingly active. What we have today is a mixture of instinctual telepathy and the beginning of mental telepathy. This manifests, however, very seldom, and then only in the educated classes. With the masses, instinctual telepathy is still the mode of contact. The throat centre is primarily involved where mental telepathy is concerned; there is also sometimes a little heart activity and always a measure of solar plexus reaction. Hence our problem. Frequently the communicator will send a message via the throat centre, and the recipient will still use the solar plexus. This is the most frequent method, and I would ask you to remember this. The sending out of a message may involve, and frequently does in connection with disciples, the throat centre, but the recipient will probably use the solar plexus centre. The throat centre is the centre, par excellence, or the medium, of all creative work. The heart and the throat, however, must eventually be used in synthesis. I stated the reason for this earlier in the words: “Only from the heart centre can stream, in reality, those lines of energy which link and bind together. It was for this reason that I have assigned certain meditations which stimulated the heart centre into action, linking the heart centre (between the shoulder blades) to the head centre, through the medium of the higher correspondence to the heart centre, found within the head centre (the thousand petalled lotus). This heart centre, when adequately radiatory and magnetic, relates disciples to each other and to all the world. It will also produce that telepathic interplay which is so much to be desired and which is so constructively useful to the spiritual Hierarchy—provided it is established within a group of pledged disciples, [19] dedicated to the service of humanity. They can then be trusted.” (Discipleship in the New Age, I. Page 87)
3. Intuitional telepathy is one of the developments upon the Path of Discipleship. It is one of the fruits of true meditation. The area involved is the head and throat, and the three centres which will be rendered active in the process are the head centre, which is receptive to impression from higher sources, and the ajna centre which is the recipient of the idealistic intuitional impressions; this ajna centre can then “broadcast” that which is received and recognised, using the throat centre as the creative formulator of thought, and the factor which embodies the sensed or intuited idea.
It will be apparent to you, therefore, how necessary it is to have a better recognition of the activity of the centres, as they are detailed in the Hindu philosophy; and until there is some real understanding of the part the vital body plays as the broadcaster and as the recipient of feelings, thoughts and ideas, there will be little progress made in the right understanding of modes of communication.
There is an interesting parallel between the three modes of telepathic work and their three techniques of accomplishment, and the three major ways of communicating on Earth:
Instinctual telepathy train travel, stations everywhere telegraph
Mental telepathy ocean travel, ports on the periphery of all lands telephone
Intuitional telepathy air travel, landing place radio
That which is going on in connection with the human consciousness is ever externalised or finds its analogy upon the physical plane, and so it is in connection with developed sensitivity to impression.
There is still another way in which we can look at the entire subject of response between broadcasting areas of [20] consciousness and the receiving areas of consciousness. We might list the divisions of this process. Much must remain theoretical, and little can, as yet, be worked out in practice. However, let me list the various forms of telepathic work for your general instruction:
1. Telepathic work from solar plexus to solar plexus. With this we have already dealt. This is closely connected with feeling, and little or no thought is involved; it concerns emotions (fear, hate, disgust, love, desire and many other purely astral reactions). It is carried on instinctively and below the diaphragm.
2. Telepathic work from mind to mind. This is beginning to be possible, and many more people are capable of this kind of communication than is now realised. People today do not know whence various mental impressions come, and this greatly enhances the complexity of life at this time and increases the mental problem of thousands.
3. Telepathic work from heart to heart. This type of impression is the sublimation of the “feeling” response registered earlier upon the ladder of evolution in the solar plexus. It concerns only group impressions, and is the basis of the condition spoken of in the Bible in connection with the greatest Sensitive humanity has ever produced, the Christ. There He is referred to as “A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief,” but in this condition no personal sorrow or grief is involved. It is simply the consciousness of the sorrow of the world and the weight of grief under which humanity struggles. “The fellowship of Christ’s suffering” is the reaction of the disciple to the same world condition. This is the true “broken heart,” and is as yet a very rare thing to find. The usual broken heart is literally a disrupted solar plexus centre, bringing complete demolition of what is occultly called “the centre of feeling,” and consequently the wrecking of the nervous system. It is [21] really brought about by a failure to handle conditions as a soul.
4. Telepathic work from soul to soul. This is, for humanity, the highest possible type of work. When a man can begin, as a soul, to respond to other souls and their impacts and impressions, then he is rapidly becoming ready for the processes which lead to initiation.
Two Other Groups of Telepathic Possibilities
There are two other groups of telepathic possibilities which I would like to list for you. They are possibilities only when the four above-mentioned groups of telepathic impression are beginning to form a conscious part of the disciple’s experience.
5. Telepathic work between soul and mind. This is the technique whereby the mind is “held steady in the light,” and then becomes aware of the content of the soul’s consciousness, an innate content, or that which is part of the group life of the soul on its own level, and when in telepathic communication with other souls, as mentioned under our fourth heading. This is the true meaning of intuitional telepathy. Through this means of communication the mind of the disciple is fertilised with the new and spiritual ideas; he becomes aware of the great Plan; his intuition is awakened. One point should here be borne in mind, which is oft forgotten: The inflow of the new ideas from the buddhic levels, thus awakening the intuitional aspect of the disciple, indicates that his soul is beginning to integrate consciously and definitely with the Spiritual Triad, and therefore to identify itself less and less with the lower reflection, the personality. This mental sensitivity and rapport between soul and mind remain for a long time relatively inchoate on the mental plane. That which is sensed remains too vague or too abstract for formulation. It is the stage of the mystical vision and of mystical unfoldment.
6. Telepathic work between soul, mind and brain. In [22] this stage the mind still remains the recipient of impression from the soul but, in its turn, it becomes a “transmitting agent” or communicator. The impressions received from the soul, and the intuitions registered as coming from the Spiritual Triad, via the soul, are now formulated into thoughts; the vague ideas and the vision hitherto unexpressed can now be clothed in form and sent out as embodied thoughtforms to the brain of the disciple. In time, and as the result of technical training, the disciple can in this way reach the mind and brains of other disciples. This is an exceedingly interesting stage. It constitutes one of the major rewards of right meditation and involves much true responsibility. You will find more anent this stage of telepathy in my other books, particularly A Treatise on White Magic. (Pages 176-180, 415, 427-428, 477-478)
nbsp; This much that I have outlined here is practically all that concerns man in his own inner individual contacts and work and training. There is, however, a whole range of telepathic contacts which should be noted because they constitute the goal for humanity.
7. Telepathic work between a Master (the focal point of a group) and the disciple in the world. It is an occult truth that no man is really admitted into a Master’s group, as an accepted disciple, until he has become spiritually impressionable and can function as a mind in collaboration with his own soul. Prior to that he cannot be a conscious part of a functioning group on the inner planes gathered around a personalised force, the Master; he cannot work in true rapport with his fellow disciples. But when he can work somewhat as a conscious soul, then the Master can begin to impress him with group ideas via his own soul. He hovers then for quite a while upon the periphery of the group. Eventually, as his spiritual sensitivity increases, he [23] can be definitely impressed by the Master and taught the technique of contact. Later, the group of disciples, functioning as one synthetic thoughtform, can reach him and thus automatically he becomes one of them. To those who have the true esoteric sense, the above paragraph will convey a good deal of information, hitherto hidden.
8. Telepathic work between a Master and His group. This is the mode of work whereby a Master trains and works through His disciples. He impresses them simultaneously with an idea or an aspect of truth. By watching their reactions, He can gauge the united activity of the group and the simultaneity of their response.
9. Telepathic work between subjective and objective groups. I do not refer here to the contact between an inner group of disciples, functioning consciously on the subjective levels, and the outer form that group takes. I refer to an inner group and a different outer group or groups. These groups, on both levels, can be either good or bad, according to the quality or calibre of the group personnel and their motives. This opens up a wide range of contacts and is one of the ways in which the Hierarchy of Masters work, as individuals. It is, however, not possible for groups upon the outer plane to respond to this type of contact until the bulk of their members have the heart centre awakened. In this connection a most interesting point should be noted. The awakening of the heart centre indicates inclusiveness, group appreciation and contact, also group thought and group life-activity. Unless, however, the head centre is also awakened and active, the soul is not able to control, and this heart activity need not necessarily be what we call good or spiritual activity. It is quite impersonal, like the sun, of which the heart is, as you know, the symbol. It shines alike upon the good and the bad; and group activity, as a result of heart awakening, can include the bad groups [24] as well as the good groups. Therefore you can see the necessity of awakening the head centre and bringing in the control of the soul aspect; and hence the emphasis laid upon character building and the need for meditation.
10. Telepathic work between the Hierarchy of Masters as a group or a part of the Hierarchy, and groups of disciples. There is little I can tell you about this, and you would not and could not understand. The experiment we are now making, in connection with the New Group of World Servers, is related to this form of telepathic work.
Some of these forms of telepathic work have necessarily their distorted reflections on the physical plane. These you might like to ponder upon, and trace the correspondences between them. What is “mass psychology” with its unreasoning quality and its blind activity, but a massed reaction to solar plexus impressions as passed from group to group? What is “public opinion,” so called, but vague mental reactions by the mass of men beginning to grope their way on the mental plane, to the activity and play of more active and powerful minds? The written and spoken words are not in themselves adequate to account for the display of modern opinion as we now have it. What is the apparently accurate information, so rapidly circulated among the savage races, but an expression of that instinctual telepathy which uses the vital body and the pranic fluids as its medium?
[25]Telepathic inter-relation between the members of a group grows through the medium of a constant attitude of reflective thought and a steadfast love for each other. I would remind you that when I use these terms I am referring to the two major types of energy in the world today. Essentially, energy is active substance. These two types of force are of a vitality, potency and substance so subtle and fine that they can work through and “force into activity” the pranic fluids which constitute the substance of the etheric body and to which I referred in a much earlier instruction. (A Treatise on the Seven Rays, II, 113) The telepathic work, therefore, is concerned with three types of energy which demonstrate as forces with the power to motivate:
1. The force of love with its negative quality which
a. Attracts the needed material with which to clothe the idea, the thought or concept to be transmitted; it is also the attractive agency utilised by the recipient. Therefore both transmitter and recipient work with the same agency, but the transmitter uses the love energy of the larger whole whilst the recipient concentrates, upon the transmitter, the love energy of his own nature. If this be so, you can see why I emphasise the necessity for love and for non-criticism.
b. Constitutes the coherent quality which links together the transmitter and the recipient, and which also produces the coherency of that which is transmitted.
[26] It will be apparent to you consequently that it is only at this time that we can begin to look for a wider and more general expression in the world today of the processes of telepathy, for only today is the love principle really beginning to affect the world on a large scale. Love of a cause, a party or an idea is becoming more and more prevalent, producing in the initial stages the apparently wide cleavages with which we are so familiar and by which we are so distressed at this time, yet producing finally a dominance of the attitudes of love which will heal breaches, and produce synthesis among the peoples. Love (not sentiment) is the clue to successful telepathic work. Therefore love one another with a fresh enthusiasm and devotion; seek to express that love in every possible way—upon the physical plane, upon the levels of emotion, and through right thought. Let the love of the soul sweep through all like a regenerating force.
2. The force of mind. This is the illuminating energy which “lights the way” of an idea or form to be transmitted and received. Forget not that light is subtle substance. Upon a beam of light can the energy of the mind materialise. This is one of the most important statements made in connection with the science of telepathy.
The success of this is dependent upon the alignment of the bodies of the transmitter and the recipient. The double line of contact must be that of mental energy and brain electrical energy. The magnetic power of love to attract attention, to produce alignment, and to call forth rapport and understanding is not all that is necessary in the new telepathy which will distinguish the new age. There must also be mental development and mental control.
This form of telepathy is not a function of the animal soul, as in the case of the solar plexus contact and response [27] to messages by the emotionally polarised man or woman. This telepathic rapport and response is a characteristic of the human soul working from mind to mind and from brain to brain. It is literally a state of consciousness which is sufficiently conditioned by the integrated mental person so that he is aware of and inclusive of the mental state and thought processes of another person.
3. The energy of prana, or the etheric force of the vital body. This energy, by an act of the will and under the pressure of the magnetic power of love, responds to or is receptive to the dual energies mentioned above. The idea, thoughtform or mental impression which must be recorded in the brain consciousness of the recipient opens a way in the pranic fluids and so controls their activity (which is as ceaseless as the thoughtform-making propensities of the chitta) that the brain becomes responsive in two ways:
a. It is rendered passive by the impact of the three types of energy,
blended and fused into one stream of force.
b. It becomes actively responsive to the idea, impression, thoughtform, symbol, words, etc., which are being swept into the area of its conscious activity.
Let me attempt to reduce the above information to practical simplicity, thus showing how these three types of energy can be used in practical work: